Performance Guarantee Refund Request

If you have experienced a service failure, which entitles you to a Performance Guarantee refund (applies to EXP, LifeGuard, PetSafe®, QuickPak, TempControl, TrustUA and UA Secure shipments), the following policies apply:

  • Performance Guarantee claims requests must be submitted within seven days of the promised time of availability.
  • Tariff refund amounts are based on the weight, rate, and tax, where applicable.
  • Fuel surcharge, freight processing and any accessorial fees are not refundable.
  • United Cargo EXP shipments must be paid in full before a refund claim can be processed.
  • Tariff refunds are valid on flight movement only, not on the time the shipment is available at destination.
  • If a trucking segment is involved in the routing, the EXP service guarantee applies only to the flown segment(s) in the itinerary.

Thank you for shipping with United Cargo®. We sincerely regret any inconvenience related to your recent shipment.

United Cargo’s Performance Guarantee is currently suspended for all shipments tendered on or after March 20, 2020; respectfully, we are unable to honor your refund request. For cancelled shipments, please visit Billing.

United Cargo values our relationship with you, and we appreciate your ongoing support.

All fields are required, unless marked as optional.

This field is required
Firstname and Lastname is required

Contact information

Shipping details

2/12/2025 ]

Product used new step

Reason(s) for request

My shipment was not boarded on the planned flight due:

Supporting documents

Include as many documents as possible to support this claim. File types accepted are: PDF, Excel, Word, JPG, PNG or GIF. File size may not exceed 4 MB.

Notice of intent


Notice of Intent Filed


UA air waybill (optional)


Signed UA proof of delivery (optional)
A copy of the proof of delivery receipt, signed by United Cargo, is required for all types of claims EXCEPT Non-Delivery.


Invoice (optional)
Provide the commercial invoice indicating the amount being claimed for the lost or damaged merchandise.


Packing list (optional)
Please itemize the items being claimed, including their quantity and weight.


Salvage value (optional)
If applicable, explain what was done with the shipment to mitigate the damage.Include receipts supporting the monetary value being claimed.Up to 5 documents may be uploaded.


Destruction Certificate (optional)
Document describing disposition of the cargo.


Survey inspection (optional)
A physical inspection report performed by an independent surveyor of the damaged or delayed cargo.

Are you a freight forwarder or insurance company?


HAWB (optional)


Cessation of rights (optional)


Copy of payment (optional)

Performance Guarantee refund requests must be submitted within seven days of the promised time of availability.

Tariff refunds are valid on flight movement only, not on the time the shipment is available at destination.

Refunds will not be paid if the delay was caused by weather conditions, mechanical delay of aircraft, or for any other reason beyond United Cargo's control.

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